Warhammer 2 total war console commands
Warhammer 2 total war console commands

warhammer 2 total war console commands warhammer 2 total war console commands warhammer 2 total war console commands

add axp - add of ranks to all units of selected - add unit with unit_key to selected army*.au - add of units with unit_key to selected army*.mov off - removes the buff with bonus movement points from the selected character (removed after you end the turn).mov - gives the selected character a buff with bonus movement points (applied after you end the turn).am - restore selected char movement points.give gold - gives 50000 gold to the player, same faction things as above.give gold - gives of gold to the player (can also be negative), if you have a settlement selected it will give gold to the faction owning the settlement.wh_main_emp_empire instead of (so without the, it's here to increase visibility): Some commands have arguments in and you need to supply a valid value there, e.g. Press the button to the right to execute the typed-in command. Type the command into a text box that is opened using a new button in the top left (see screenshot). Adds a bunch of commands that help with mod making and testing.

Warhammer 2 total war console commands